There Are Three Main Aspects Of Your Garage Door That You Should Know

Garage Door Repair Colorado Springs

Three Main Aspects Of Your Garage Door That You Should Know

Understanding the fundamental components that make up your garage doors could aid you in identifying typical garage door issues that you face every day. Actually, understanding the components and how they function is the first step toward effective repairs and troubleshooting whenever issues arise.

Torsion/Extension Springs

Let’s begin the discussion by discussing the riskiest component of the garage door system. Garage door springs are extremely robust and are usually quite tightly wrapped – making them a prime candidate to tear apart fingers and anything they come into contact with. There are two kinds of springs for garages. They are typically located above the door and are usually attached in a vertical fashion to tracks. Older garage doors may utilize extension springs, which are typically hung on parallel (both faces) to the top of the track.

No matter what kind of spring the garage door uses regardless of the spring type, you can conduct an inspection by checking the springs to see if there are signs of corrosion, aging, warping, or just breaking into two. If, however, you are in a position to discern what the spring’s condition is then it’s your best option to call Garage Door Repair Colorado Springs. Do not attempt to manually move springs as the possibility of injury will always be present.

Galvanized Aircraft Cable (GAC)

GAC is the name given to the metallic cable that joins your garage door with the counterbalance mechanism. These cables are fairly popular and can be found in stainless steel types. In the event of a damage inspection check that your door is shut and then search for wear and fraying. If you see signs of wear, it’s probably the right time to consider the replacement.


The most common issues that arise in garage doors are likely to be seen within the roller and track. This is the mechanism that holds the door straight as it is raised, and is the most susceptible to wear and tear. The process of checking on the condition of the roll is easy – when the door is lower, you can check the roller for signs of damage.

The process of examining the track is very simple. Check first whether there are any scratches along the track. If there are any irregularities or gaps, it could be the reason for the noise from the door. Also, examine the track for any loose bolts and debris. You could also use your hands to run on the track to feel the bumps for any visible signs. When any of the above conditions have become problematic then a track replacement is the best option.

The Motor

Repairing motors is extremely difficult and is beyond the reach of DIYers. If you believe that you require a replacement motor, it’s recommended to find Thrifty garage repair services in Colorado Springs to take care of the task. Before you do this, however, there is a secure method to determine whether your motor is the cause of any door problems.

Begin by making sure your door is completely shut. After that, turn off the garage door manually by pushing the handle red. Do this by manually lifting and lowering the door several times. If it seems to move smoothly and fluidly, the issue could be in the opener or sensors.

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